Na redakční email našeho serveru došla zpráva následujícího znění:
I am reading with great interest your website. My dedacek immigrated from Chotebor to the US in 1905 and, of course, he his long gone, but I am so pleased to see photos of his native city. I visited CZ in the 1990's visiting family in Praha, in Jaromerice nad Rokyto and then to Orava region of Slovakia. Unfortunately we were not able to reach Chotebor and I realize how sorry I am that I did not see your beautiful city. My grandfather was named Piskac and I see from your pages that Piskac families are still residing there which makes me very happy. I realize with your civic duties you are not able to provide genealogical information, but I want you to know that your outreach through your web pages are touching many throughout this wonderful, beautiful global world.
Thank you.
Patricia (Piskac) Lambrecht
V reakci na mou nabídku uveřejnění textu zprávy na tomto serveru přišla tato zpráva s dalšími informacemi o hledané rodině Piskačových.
Thank you for your unexpected and gracious reply. Of course I would be very pleased if you would publish my message. Additional information: My grandfather Karel Piskac came to the US with parents, Antonin and Katerina (Davidova) Piskac 1905/1906. Antonin and Katerina were both born about 1865. I know Antonin was born in Chotebor and his parents (my great-great grandparents) were Josef and Barbora (Hrusknova) Piskac. We have not been able to go back further in our research.
Our Czech ancestry and customs are still very important in many of our lives in the US. You might be surprised that the state in which I live still holds a Czech festival each summer where over 50,000 people attend from all over the US. Many Czech immigrants settled here because the land
reminded them of their homeland. We have a region of our state which is informally referred to as the "Bohemian Alps".
Again, thank you, Zbynek, for your kindness.
Best regards to you.
Patricia Lambrecht
Najde se někdo, kdo by se cítil být povolán doplnit mezery v rodokmenu paní Patricie Lambrechtové? Pokud ano, může na adrese požádat o poskytnutí kontaktního emailu.
Hello again,
Thanks so much for posting my messages. I had to smile when I saw them on your website. I also understand that people have busy lives and sometimes are fearful of someone asking for information so I will not be disappointed if there is no response.
My state is Nebraska, in the central region of the US. Much of our income is still derived from agricultural production as it was when my grandparent's immigrated. However, now, the eastern part of our state is industrialized and our greatest population is concentrated in this area. I
live on an acreage south of Lincoln, the capital of Nebraska, and am employed in a research laboratory at the university in Lincoln. Wilber, Nebraska is the location of the annual Czech Festival and it is about 30 miles from Lincoln. This town has always been called the "Czech Capital of Nebraska" and President Ronald Reagan later declared it the "Czech Capital of America". I will provide a link to Wilber's website where you can read its history and see the program of the 2007 Czech festival. Please read the program because it will make you understand that we take our Czech ancestry very seriously.
I am just so pleased about all of this. If nothing comes of it, I have still had this opportunity to exchange information with you and to let you know that even though we are separated from our ancestors' homeland, many of the old Czech traditions have survived the course of time.
Pat Lambrecht